Saturday, December 25, 2010

Week Two: Recap

Looking back at this week, i am able to notice some areas that need improvement as well as areas that i am doing well in.
Pros of the Week:
I completed the week, and though i switched some days around, i still worked out the 5 days this week.
I began the week at 206 and have ended the week at 200 (or 201, scale was being funky...) thats a loss of 5-6lbs! PRAISE The LOrd! that was all him, so i guess that was a pro for the Lord!
in the workouts, i am becoming more and more able to do the exercises in the correct techniques and in line with the DVD's so therefore, i am getting more out of the workouts because its pushing me to improve and stay on task.

Cons of the week:
around tuesday or wednesday, i stepped on the scale and became upset at what i found. it said i had gained 2 lbs. though i know in my head that this was probably an increase in muscle, it was still difficult to see an increase when i feel as though i am working harder at this now then ever before, eating correctly, journalling, maintaining exercise... that day was difficult to remain encouraged to eat healthily. i found myself munching on tortilla chips and chocolate chips...until i snapped out of it and realized i just needed to press on.
i believe i need to increase my water intake, though im usually very good at staying hydrated, it really hasnt crossed my mind lately, so i dont know for sure if im drinking enough.
a schedule is needed. i need to implement a schedule now that i know will be conducive to my semester coming up so the transition doesnt throw me off and mess up this great thing thats goin on here.

all in all, twas a good week and i feel great!!!

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