Saturday, November 29, 2008


i cant believe im still awake right now....this is rediculous!!!!

i dont like titleing things....

sometimes life brings you to a point where you realize its better to wait. that happened for me tonight. it happens alot actually....
"wait for what?", you may be asking...
wait for God to take you through life instead of trying to make your own decisions.
God is at the driver's seat and im in the passenger im gonna curl up with a book and some tunes and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy turkey day!

hope all r doing great!
ive had a great time in jacksonville and am really grateful for the kindness of friends. it has been nice to take a step back and relax. last week of classes r this upcoming week and then finals are the week after that. i am supposed to leave graceville sometime between the 12th and the 14th. staying in georgia til the 18th. and should return with the wonderful marks girls on either the 18th really late or the 19th.
im rather excited! less then 22 days til im home in stafford!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Say CHEESE!!!!

i am at a photoshoot. my friend, Maria, is studying photography and had some photo shoots to do this week for a class. so i tagged along. we are definitely jamming to some "Funky Town" straight from the 80's! its pretty spectacular!
first up is a guy with a bike, then some gals doing yoga stuff.... tis crazy

im rather excited that there is only 2 weeks of school after break, and then im off to georgia for a week, then ill be back in stafford by the 19th of december. (i dont know if im actually coming in on the 19th or 18th...soon though). God is amazing! i am so undeserving of his blessings, yet they keep coming...

oh as for coming back to school in January, trying to make it a deffinite, but please pray that the current plans for return will work out well. love yall and see you soon!

Monday, November 24, 2008

im in jacksonville!

im in MacClenney Florida(somewhere in jacksonville) for the week staying with some friends.
enjoy your holiday's!

i have a question. i really want to know the answer to this. Do we all have different convictions? like is it ok for some to do one thing and others not?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i have two polls on the side. i should be finding out what my work schedule will be like for break with in the next couple weeks.
Davis/Cliftons: i will be able to let you know in the next week or so if i will be back in time for the 19th. i should be, but im not 100% possitive yet.

let me just say, i miss you kids! all of them! pelts, davis, clifton, wire, garman, spencer, jessup, brown, hambone(sydney), and the list goes on and on.
love yas peace!

Monday, November 17, 2008

32 days

i miss stafford. 32 days and i should be home.


With a little less then 20 minutes left in my poll on "Were the Roman Guards Morons?" it is evident that it is a tie. im curious, if you voted yes, what were your reasons, and if you voted no, what were your reasons, if you didnt vote, but have a thought, please share! not trying to get a debate, im just trying to hear opinions, broaden my mind, its not fun to just think what i think without input from others.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

youtube rocks

wow this is awesome i love youtube!!! the Garmen prayer service like 2 years ago to go to iceland!

go to this link! its from 2003 Colby, Bryan, Chad, Zach, Jason, Philip, Ben Brothers ( i think)
its quite awesome! Jason, i believe you are the creator of this video! good job!! 5 years later, i have found its existance!!

update of life...

My week in as few words as possible...

Sunday: Church, homework, church, homework, friends
Monday: Class, Chapel, Homework, friends, Class, other class was canceled!!!, homework/friends
Tuesday: Class, Work, Class (that was fun, i got off work 8 minutes before my next class, def had to change and grab my books! HHHAHAHAH great stuff!!) friends
Wednesday: Class, Chapel, homework, class, work, friends
Thursday: Class, clean for inspection day, homework, class, work, friends.
Friday: this day i shall elaborate on....
Got up at the usual time, got ready, its like 8am when i get out the door and i see comotion and people, not the normal thing to see at 8am here. but it was preview day and it was crazy. as the day progressed i realized how much i LOVE preview day!! i walk into my first class sad that i would miss the exciting preview day chapel, knowing my teacher would probably say yes (99%) we asked if we could go on a "field trip" to the chapel since only like 5 out of 14 ppl were actually in class, yeah we definitely got to go chapel. IT WAS AMAZING!!! there was really speaking, there was just MUSIC!!! the mens chorale sang abunch. when the came in the surrounded us and sang and then as they were getting on stage they sang....lets just say we had a "Holy Spirit Party" the chior joined them and we just had a full out praisein' Jesus time. Preview day is when people come to see the school so we had to leave our rooms super clean and have the doors opened as the ppl came in and looked at the rooms, Napier has sorta been a dorm divided because barely anyone knows of the existance of the people on the other side of the hall so we used this time to "meet" our fellow dorm ppl. i had already known everyone that lived in the dorm, but there are some that i have never really talked too so yeah it was kul to get to meet everyone.
i was in a Jesus-High mood the rest of the day after chapel so that was awesome! oh and as we were leaving the chapel it started to rain, this wouldnt be a problem except they had EVERYTHING set up outside on the lawn for lunch for the previewers! so it was mass chaos as they moved everything to the Gym.
i got my first BCF shirt so no i can actually represent my school!!!
my last class of the day was shortened to and it was history so we didnt do much.
Next was work. Love my Job!! love that i have a job!!!!! and though i was still in an awesome mood, there was a somber feel to the air this night. as i was walking into work, my boss was packing up his stuff. he hadnt been in all week so we knew something was up, just no one was telling us, and barely any of us know whats going on still. so yeah, kinda really not cool. but despite that, it was still great. ive come to find out that dishwashing is my calling. it seems to be my task most of the time....wether in the dishroom with the big industrial size dish washer,(i am so getting one of those for my family if i have a big family...its happening) or at the pot sink, its all good, i end up soaked at the end of it...tis quite fun.
when i got off work i relaxed with some friends coloring and watching Pocohantas and Bewitched. we did something really kul with disney characters.
then i Youtubed all of the stafford baptist chior videos i could find and watched them! i was happy to be able to escape back to stafford for that short time and sing with yall again! and see all your beautiful faces! i am so excited for christmas break!!!

so i had another AMAZING week!! i love it!
oh and you should Youtube this link
its an amazing song!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

annie, this brings back memories!!
annie, go check it out if you get a chance.
i hope it brings back the same memory that it triggered for me.
ill post the memory later if you dont get it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

im in an article!!

i was the only new student on the hall for the first couple days back in August (whoa! ive been here for like 3 months!!!!). One of the newspaper people for bcf came by my room and asked me a bunch of questions and took some shots. and then i forgot about it.
then i was reading an article from our online campus news feed and was reminded of that interview. wondering if i had actually been put in the paper (it was an awkward interview cause i was excited so i had nothing to say but that i was excited, somehow i managed to answer her questions though...)
well i found the article and here is the link!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Just Wondering...?

Reading the New Testament...does anyone else ever get the feeling that Roman guards were morons.....?
just for fun, vote on the lil survey thing to the right!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Attempt Numero Dos!

today, as i was walking back to my dorm from math class, i saw the blood drive trailer. memories flashed back to the last time i have tried to give blood with them. But for some reason, i wanted to try again! so i spent the next 10 minutes deciding if i really wanted to or should do it. i was excited and nervous, but i decided that me getting a bruise would be better then not trying at all, after all, if it happened again i would know how to take care of it.
so off i went to the blood drive!
as i walked into the trailer and signed in i was asked if i had ever donated before. well, i responded to this question by simply saying "i tried too...but it didnt work"
this then got the nurses in a was funny.
as i sat on the bench and the lady (same one that stuck me again) began to try to refigure out what had gone wrong before, she was about to give up,
not that this would have anything to do with it, but i really think it does, but as she was getting discouraged and i was thinking to myself "am i never going to donate blood! that is not cool!" then i prayed "Lord, i just want to give blood, please help her find my vein!!!"
just after that she found it and began to stick me with the needle. no pain this time like there was last time. i was really happy when it was over because it was SUCCESSFUL!!! i might have a slight little bruise, but she said i probably wont.
So!! im not a lost cause, i can give blood!! its just really hard to find my veins!!!
and hopefully soon i will know what blood type i am!!!

see! you cant even see anything!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


NO JOKE!!! i cant believe i forgot to tell you all!!!
Thank you so much for your prayers!!! Its ON CAMPUS too!!! AHHH!!!! i got hired on Friday in the cafeteria and then my first day was today! heheheh it was fun! the entire time i had "I will praise you with a dance" by casting crowns stuck in my head, and then the tune and some words of the veggie tell song "i love my lips" was in there too and it was funny to me when the two songs would come mingle together, hahah! and then, i was on dish duty, and a few times i would catch myself whistling "whistle while you work" from snow white and the seven dwarfs.
I feel so blessed and undeserving of all God has provided! im wrapped in His love and it feels great!!!!!! nice and toasty!!! if you ever wondered if Jesus hugs, i realized today that he does!!!


Monday, November 3, 2008

i signed up for my spring classes today. i have decided to take 7 classes next semester. your probably like, O My Word, she is crazy!!!
but!!!! one of my classes is chior, which is just singing.... 2 of my classes are history classes and i have had this professor this semester and know that it wont be that bad. i only have 2 new teachers, and so i know the teaching style and whats expected for the most part from them. i really dont think it will be horrible. i think i can do it, and i can of course do anything in Christ who strengthens me!

pray for mary

the surgery is next friday:
7th of November 2008 8:30am,

My mom is going to have surgery on her right knee.
physical therapy will be needed, if yall could keep her in your prayers that would be great. she already has difficulty with walking on her left leg, so yeah...
her right leg is normally known as her "good" leg. she has had multiple surgeries and hip replacements on her left leg/hip.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Camp Victory Experience

I just got back from a crazy awesome weekend at Camp Victory. i got the opportunity to work there at their 3rd-6th grader weekend retreat.
it was an awesome time and ill post details later (im slightly aggrivated right now because i just had one of those moments where you type all the details out and then something goes wrong and all you've typed no longer exists...). ive gotta go get my laundry done and then catch some Z's!!

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