Sunday, November 11, 2012

Holy Fountain, Consume Us With You

The title of this post may seem like a far-cry from this posting. However, the song was playing as I was posting and it seems to summate what the root need is of one who finds themselves in a "Peter-esque" moment as is described below:

Matthew 14:28-33

Peter. He walked on water. He took his eyes off Christ. He saw the wind and grew afraid. He sank. He cried out. Christ. Christ IMMEDIATELY reached out and pulled him from the water. Christ saved him from drowning. "o ye of little faith, why did you doubt?" I see the scene. As if I were there. As If I were Peter, on that boat. Seeing Christ, following his lead. Out of the boat. I step, have stepped. There has been success, some sinking moments. But here, now, I've heard the wind and fear has gripped. The waves whip around me and I struggle to tread and keep my chin above the water. He extends his hands of grace and I've grabbed. Still as a fight. A fight because I am ashamed. Because to face him and admit that I had doubt, that I took my eyes off of him is Humbling. And it seems I've forgotten he already knows. And he knew it would happen. And my grip is weak, but he holds firm and draws me in. And in his arms, now on the boat, drenched and wrapped in the blanket of truth in his arms, I heare his gentle reprimand and am crushed in spirit, but so grateful for his warm embrace and the grace he has extended.
And he speaks with gentle strength, "My child of little faith, fix your eyes on me, Jesus. It is for discipline you have to endure, for I love you. It is for your good, that you may share my holiness. I know it seems painful for now, but it will yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness as you are trained by it. The testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And if you let steadfastness of its full effect you will lack nothing. Oh child, I know you. Your struggles, desires, joys, sorrows. I see your faults and iniquity and love u despite those things. I have given my life in your place that you may share in the eternal inheritance. That you may have salvation. Do not despise my grace. Cling to me. I feel you shake in my arms. I am your strength. I am hearing your heart and soul cry. I am the one who satisfies all in all. Bless my name, with all your soul. Whatever it takes, know I am here. And child, I am the only one worthy of your worship and devotion. Turn your eyes away from worthless idols. Praise me. Worship me. Trust me. Depend in me. Do not doubt me. Know I am for you. I am your hope. I am your rock. I am your all. The breath you breathe, it comes from me. Blessed beloved child, I love you. Noone will ever snatch you from me. Seek me. Repent. Trust me for the change. Ready yourself to be obedient. Trust me for the things you do not understand, ask for wisdom and understanding it I will provide sufficiently."
What more is there for me to do in a moment like this but to be in awe of my redeemer.

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