Friday, August 29, 2008

"the weird stick of the month"

just got back from donating blood. let me share my experience.
walked by the trailer like 4 times til i finally decided, "im going to give blood!" jk i had already decided that like a week ago, but i kept forgeting my id in my room so i had to go and get it. well i stepped up into the trailer and was greated by a funny guy nurse person. i signed in, answered all those "have you...." questions and then got my finger pricked to test my iron, (which, fyi, my iron is good!) and then i got the blood pressure taken, my temperature taken(it was just a lil stip of paper, i didnt even know how they were reading it...) then i got sent down to the next available seat, but i first had to jump over the area that some blood had spilt on the floor, actually it was alot of blood...but yeah, so i went and the lady tried to find my vein in my left arm, it took a minute, but the vein was too small. so she tried to find one in my right arm...theni had to move chairs because she found one in my right arm and i was in the left arm seat....
so she began to hook me up, apparently my vein was sideways...? whatever that means... and so she was like "its ok, i can do it" so i trusted her. i looked out the window as she began the process of sticking me with the needle, (except i looked when she rubbed the iodine on me, that wasnt bad at all, its just iodine!) ok well so im lookin out the window and shes tellin me to squeeze the ball, she sticks me and i can feel the needle moving around under my skin, she was having trouble finding the vein again WITH THE NEEDLE IN MY ARM!!!! and so then she found it and it was workin well. at least i thought it was, there was some discomfort in my arm...dont know if that has anything to do with it but im just saying....
so she comes back over and starts messing with it again, and then she proceeds to tell me that my blood has stopped pumping out of my this point she says to me "just to warn you this arm will have a bruise"(great, anyone remember what happened after i went to the emergency room last year? that bruise lasted forever!!!) more blood flow. so she is trying to figure out why my arm is so retarded, (bless her heart, i felt so bad that my arm was trouble) and so she has another nurse come over and look at it. they have me squeeze the ball some, and they tighten and loosen that strap thing thats on my arm and then they conclude that they must stop what is happening. supposedly whenever i would squeeze it would flow and then stop, and then flow and then stop....a process that is apparently not supposed to happen..... who knew!
and so she cleans it up and removes everything and im like(in my head) "does this mean i cant ever give blood, will what you have taken from me be any help to anyone, what just happened"

another nurse comes up and bandages me and says that he is going to ace bandage my arm a little tight because of the bruise, and he says that it should hurt except for maybe a few days, but if it still hurts to call him and we will see what has happened or something like that,

the nurse that stuck me came and explained everything, she said that my vein where she stuck it was too close to my valve and that the valve was preventing it from working. and she said that she wouldnt be sticking me anymore today because my left arm has too small a vein and my right arm she had already stuck once, but that i could donate in the future, she showed me where on my arm i should tell the next nurse to stick me. but she assured that my right arm does have two good veins, but one was by a valve(the one she stuck) and the other isnt, she just had a 50/50 of getting it right and got it wrong.

All in all, it was a learning experience, and i got to have juice (orange pinapple) it was tasty, and i now know that i have weird veins and am the "weird stick of the month"
ill post pics of my bruise as it progresses, if it is anything like the one that i had got from the emerency room then these will be awesome pics!

oh and my arm is sore, cant really bend it, so thats fun...hahah

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

question, needing responses please!!!

i would like to fill my room with color, so i got construction paper, now i want to take and make some thing from the construction paper, i would like to put awesome quotes, funny or serious, scripture, and i have a really awesome idea to put the names of God up so my theologian friends, what are all the names of God? or anything else that you brilliantly minded friend and family of mine might suggest! i heart you all and hope to hear back to this from you!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

"answers in Genesis"

Answers in Genesis is an organization. a speaker of theirs, Carl Kerby, came and spoke at BCF in chapel today and it was AMAZING!!! so awesome. then this evening he spoke again in more detail on different subjects, at a church just about 45 minutes away that a few of us went to. OH MY WORD!! you all need to go. anyone and everyone should hear this. i was gonna suggest that stafford, pillar, lakeside and quantico or other churches in our area get together and get this guy to come speak at the church, but i found out after going to their website, that there is a conference that is on October 7-8th and its in McLean Va. which is an hour from stafford, Directions http:// from the Stafford Baptist to McLean Bible Church.
see ive planned it out for you sorta, I AM SERIOUS!!! check it out, the speaker is Carl Kerby. He was amazing! if you have ever questioned anything about biology and the bible, or astronomy and the bible, or geology and the bible, IM TELLING YOU! ITS AWESOME! and it is SO important to understand what we profess to believe. to be equipped for everything!

if you have any quesitons call me!
or email me or message me
Dave and Nancy, get our youth together for a lil trip, take them down that wednesday if possible, it will seriously be EXTREMELY beneficial, Jason and Tracee, our college group would seriously enjoy this guy and what he has to say. Brian, take the TenFold peeps down there! it seriously has explained so many questions i have had!
at least check it out, this is the point where if i were back home i would be jumpin up and down goin nuts annoyin the heck out of ppl telling them how awesome it is! Please at least concider shooting the guy an email and asking a few quesions, if the date i gave you dont work, maybe even getting him to come to our church or something, seriously, our community would benefit greatly from it, his email is
peace peeps love ya!


i have been convicted lately of my pride. i have alot of it and i dont like that. my attention has also been brought to something about myself that i dont like and would like to change. if i ever feel as if i am succeeding at something or if someone points that out to me, that im doing well in that one area, then from that moment on, i dont know why or what happens but i begin a downward spiral in that area. through out my life this has happened. i find myself dreading compliments because, and this is what goes on in my head, the second i get the compliment i am thankful for it, then the immediate next second this thought runs through my head "oh no, now i will lose that completly"
things like humility or servanthood, or being a praywarrior, or even loosing weight or haveing a kind spirit or being out going or doing well in an area of my life, no matter what it is, the second my attention is brought to any bit of success i might be experiencing, i loose that quality, and i dont know why.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

this is my new friend.

ive begun to get aquainted with the gym. its really awesome. i go on the eliptical for 25 minutes, maybe breaking that up some and doing weights between. they have this crunch machine and its intense. effects after the eliptical, their arent many until the next day. it made my tush hurt. anywho i love it. and with either a podcast or some pumpin music in the ipod i just have some fun, but im bad at ballance so if i start dancing to the music while im running or whatever you call it on it and im not holding on to the bar things then i almost fall....but it rocks. the one i use though looks a smidge different then this one.

just from the summer and stuff, i really see a difference in the way my tshirts fit, their not as tight as they were which is a plus in my book. oh to have to by smaller clothes soon would be so exciting!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

i heart smoothies!!!!!

the inventors of smoothie makers should pat themselves on the back! anyone that knows me, knows that my idea of an amazingly awesome treat it a nice fruit smoothie! i dont know how i ever thought i would make it with out my wonderful smoothie maker! thank you mom and dad for sending it to me because i am LOVE-ING IT!!!!!! for those who dont know, the best ingredients for a smoothie are frozen fruit and fruit juice or nector, the nector is a bit thicker and is amazing you can usually find it in the ethnic food isle. its rather amazing! and its even good to just drink with lunch or breakfast! tonights smoothie was frozen mangos, rasberries, blueberrys, blackberries, and strawberries with nector de guava!!! i love it its SO GOOD!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

BCF news

hey friends and family.
i love school. ive been doing my homework, which is really different then how i was in highschool. i even discovered how much fun it is to transfer my notes from my notebook to my computer! it was awesome! exspecially when i got to where i had to draw diagrams! i love it! i am not typing my notes from now on, and it means that if there is stuff on my notes that i dont understand (due to handwriting or whatever) i get to look it up in my book. study habits now seem to be really improving. who knows, i guess ill find out with my first test...
that was all randomness and yeah...peace out. love you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i never knew this...

our very own pastor, aka PBJ or Pastor Bill Jessup, worked with Global Youth Ministry once upon a time, helping out with speaking at them before they hired the awesome Bobby McGraw. i didnt know this until i came across some pictures on the global server. thought id share one or two with you. its from back in 2003.

Monday, August 18, 2008

what do you think?

to the left of the screen is a survey thing. im curious as to what everyone likes. i personally figured out that i do not like the HUGS at all! me and white chocolate have a strictly hate relationship! but which of these treats do you prefer?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

dorm pics!!

the walls are slightly bare right now, but that will change, and i didnt take a pic of them yet but i have stars on the ceiling above my bed!!!! i have more pics to put up. three more collages to make and some other idea, just gotta get some constuction paper and have some fun

Friday, August 15, 2008

I GOT A JOB!!!!!

good news. God totally rocked at finding me a job. i was real discouraged when i got here and found out from students that it was REALLY hard to find a job available on campus since it is so small and everyone is returning students that already hold the jobs. i didnt fully realize this truth until i actually walked around to the dif. departments and searched for open possitions. there were none. but as i was searching, i came across a bullitin board(i love those things) and remembering from movies or watev that there is a possibility that someone would post job openings on it i searched the board and came across a job that if you know me, pretty much says what i do back home with alot of the church families, its 3 miles away, not a bad distance, im borrowing will hilers bicycle for the semester or until i can afford my own. but what it is is i am helping a mom who is prego with her third kid and is on bed rest until she pops. so like house work and watchin the other two kids when they get off of school or helping with homework, the two boys are 8 and 4. im SOO excited. the only thing left to settle about the job is that she wants me to meet the boys and the fam and work out the details but im excited! and my class load is not bad at all and i am excited that this semester i get to knock out my least fav. subjects. biology and geometry. and i dont have to take and remedial classes cause my test scores from the SOL's were high enough, stafford peeps, ive never been so happy to have gone through those, what i thought as dumb, tests!

k that was alot of mumbo jumbo to say that i heart school!!!
and i might need to use some of you as references if thats ok. like jen clifton, or jen davis, or tracee, or annie, or rebecca wire or cindy jessup or anyone else i can think of.
God has shown me so much of his faithfullness just in this last 24 HOURS that im just so blown away.
oh and i now have internet in my dorm. and ive made some friends. and for anyone that wants to know i shall post my class schedule, i wonder if any BCF alumni know any of my teachers...
geometry @ 9am with William McArthur
History @ 1:30pm with John Shaffett
Mondays only:
Biology @ 3pm with (they havent told me yet....and im so glad its only one day a week!!!!)
English @ 8:30 with Richard Carroll
Fundamentals of Spiritual Formation @ 1:30pm with Dr. Jumper(this is the one i am most excited about!)
yeah but thats just some of my life, oh and ill post pics of my dorm, its a BIG room, im surprised at the amount of space i have, i feel like its bigger then my room at home,and i share a bathroom with only ONE person! this is SOOOOOO much better then Liberty! (sorry tanja, colby and annie)
oh and someone should tell my dad that believe it or not, ive kept my stuff clean AND organized!!!
k love you all peace!!
oh indo peeps! i want to hear stories, please blog your experiences ill def be lookin at them!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

im in my DORM!!!!

kelsey drove me up yesterday i love my room still waiting on my roommate. she arrives today ive gotten most of my stuff in the mail still waiting on two boxes i think... havnt completely arranged my room yet cause i wanted to do that with the roomie just letting yall know i am officially in graceville!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

my 70th blog!

that title has nothing really to do with this blog this is a recap of a fun weekend

as most know ive been staying with a friend in tallahassee this past week. her name is kelsey and her family is amazing! they graciously opened their home to me without having met me yet (kinda reminded me of an illustration colby gave once about his sister and her friend....side track i know my b) well anywho ive had an awesome week and have been able to relax.

yesterday we ventured out of the house in the am to run some errands. had a chill night with some friends. funny story, we went to this place called greenway. its basically a big open field and there no lights so u just see the amazing stars above u i heart stars they rock!! well we got there and it was just us five girls. and the only light we have is the moon and stars these three black shadowed siloettes come toward set things up for u even more there are five of us two on top of the car three standing around the car we r all freakin out and ah figures approach we are devising a plan of escape. luckily it wasnt anything crazy, just tree ppl that were wanting to party with us and we told them no thank you and that jesus loves them and they walked off.
the rest of the night w just hung out and chatted.

k the next day was sunday. i went to trbc with kelsy jason and tracee, i have ideas for our college and career class! ok after church we had lunch at sonny's we definitely need one of those in stafford! it was tasty! k then we went and played flag football with the youth group i was one of the four girls on the field with like 20 boys it was great! had a bunch of fun....only doias that (it was flag football) as i was goin in to grab the flag off the guy with the ball, he accidentily punched me in the eye/nose. it hurt. but no reall damage no blackeye jus a head ache that has been coming and goin ever since.
an end to a great weekend wouldnt be complete without a swim in the pool so when i got back from football i jumped in the pool! it was awesome!

Friday, August 8, 2008

anyone organized?!?!? HELP!!!

k so i need to figure out a system or something, to get organized! i need to know what i need to be organized for school.
what does a dorm room really need?!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

its kinda long, God bless you if you actually read it!

hey there all. k so for those who dont know i have completed my summer with GLOBAL YOUTH MINISTRY!!! WOOT WOOT!!! i loved it! if you have been reading my blogs then you know a couple of the things that happened over the summer. it was awesome in so many ways.
I really feel that God used this summer to show me that He can use me. i remember that at the begining of the summer, i just felt that i hadnt been broken last year. and i wanted that this time. i wanted to focus more on the kids then myself, i wanted to listen more and pray more. God used this summer, to help me do just that. He broke me for these kids and he really showed me the power of prayer, of just simply asking God to do something, and He totally came through. even though i ate the FUNK (Foods of Unusually Nasty Kinds: fed to the loosing team by the winning team) a grand total of 4 times, i still know that it was the best time ever! God really stretched me in alot of ways.

Now im in Tallahassee Florida staying with a friend from staff for the week. my school is only about 1 1/2hrs away from here so im staying the week with her and then she is graciously taking me to school on monday. just in this i can see God and His amazingness! at the beginning of the summer when i left stafford, i had no idea what was gonna happen to me when the summer was over, i hadnt purchased a ticket home, i hadnt had a definite plan at all as to what i was gonna do for this week between global and school, and God was just like, "Trust me" and i did, and i barely even thought about it, i asked Kelsey about 2 weeks into camps if i could stay with her and the rest is history, im here and am so grateful to her and her family for all they have done for me.

so i took my computer to Staples, they took about less then five minutes to decide that my DC adapter in the computer was broken, then told me that it would cost almost $400 for the repair, i walked out of there feeling like i had been shot in the gut. Kelsey called her dad who knows alot about computers and such and he refered us to another place, we stopped there and the guy there said that they could fix it for between $90-$175 depending on if it would take 1 or 2 hours to fix. hopefully it will be ready by the weekend, or monday since i leave tally on monday. but im so excited because EVERYWHERE i turn i see God's blessings and protection and just reassurence that im doing the right thing. that i am following his plan. its a crazy awesome roller coaster ride! i have my ups and downs, but the ups make all the downs worth it, and i just am amazed at God's love for me and how really undeserving of it that i am!

oh and another plus, Kelsey has a pool at her house, anyone that knows me should know that i love swimming, i love water, i love it all! so i am loving the pool!!!!

k i think im done for now. ill have to post some stories of the summer later.... but that was my super long update of the week!

oh and the next time i will be in stafford, if it can happen, will be in December.

k love you all peace!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

i need some techy advice

there is a possibility that i will need a new laptop if tomorrow at staples doesnt go well...
what is good, what is bad, what should i be looking for? i need one for school so it will be used for internet, documents, pictures, movies, basically everything.
i know nothing about computers except sorta how to use them so any advice would be helpful.
k thanks...
but i really dont want to have to get a new laptop so pray that mine is fixable....its only problem, that i know of, is that it wont recognize the charger! (which is strange cause the charger and battery are brand-spankin new!!!) k yeah, thanks...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

quick update

im glad i got to speak with a bunch of you today on the phone, i looked at the call length after i hang up and the end result was that i was on the phone for over an hour!
haha i love it!
it was kinda sad though cause i really wished i could be there. but i think this will be better. no looking back im moving on to bigger things then i could ever have thought of before. i never expected to be going to school and now its happening.
my summer was amazing, though im sad its over, im so excited for whats to come.
please pray for my computer to be fixable and cheaply so....i kinda need it for school....which starts in a week!!!
i shall def. give a better update sometime this week of the whole summer...just had a smidge bit of time now so i thought i would say some words.

again i miss you all. thank you for calling and talkin with me today, it really meant alot to be able to talk with you all, i was feeling me some stafford withdraw sadness...

Friday, August 1, 2008

annie, colby, do you remember this?

i think that these need no words attached, except maybe the year 2002.

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