Friday, November 7, 2008

Attempt Numero Dos!

today, as i was walking back to my dorm from math class, i saw the blood drive trailer. memories flashed back to the last time i have tried to give blood with them. But for some reason, i wanted to try again! so i spent the next 10 minutes deciding if i really wanted to or should do it. i was excited and nervous, but i decided that me getting a bruise would be better then not trying at all, after all, if it happened again i would know how to take care of it.
so off i went to the blood drive!
as i walked into the trailer and signed in i was asked if i had ever donated before. well, i responded to this question by simply saying "i tried too...but it didnt work"
this then got the nurses in a was funny.
as i sat on the bench and the lady (same one that stuck me again) began to try to refigure out what had gone wrong before, she was about to give up,
not that this would have anything to do with it, but i really think it does, but as she was getting discouraged and i was thinking to myself "am i never going to donate blood! that is not cool!" then i prayed "Lord, i just want to give blood, please help her find my vein!!!"
just after that she found it and began to stick me with the needle. no pain this time like there was last time. i was really happy when it was over because it was SUCCESSFUL!!! i might have a slight little bruise, but she said i probably wont.
So!! im not a lost cause, i can give blood!! its just really hard to find my veins!!!
and hopefully soon i will know what blood type i am!!!

see! you cant even see anything!!!!

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