Tuesday, December 28, 2010

day 17

cant believe its been 17 days! i love it!

Leah did the Power Sculpt with me tonight, we did it on Level 2. our bodies stretched, we decided to bundle up and go for a jog. After informing a few friends for safety reasons (had to) we were off.
Sometimes it is hard to workout with others. When the level that they are out in thier workouts is greater then the one you are at, it can be discouraging. Nothing against the others, or in this case, my friend Leah. Thats just the nature of the beast. after reasessing my true thoughts and feelings of this, I was able to recognize that its ok. There may always be those who are a little, or alot more, advanced in their process then I am. That is just life, reality. The key, i am finding, is to push past that, recognize how im feeling or thinking and its root and make it a goal to do my own personal best and realize that one day i too will be there at that level as well.
Im at a step in the process, not going to let myself become discouraged.
I shared with Leah how i felt and we were able to talk about it and i truly am enjoying having a workout partner this week. Each of us need that person that is going to push us to the next level, and we need that interaction in order to be able to learn to grow stronger in who the Lord has made us and in knowing our own limits while not making excuses.
Getting closer and closer to that 5k. January 29th!
Please pray for me in this way, that i wont grow lazy or give up. I have noticed that this healthy lifestyle, pushing myself and such is an outward display of my relationship with the Lord. Tis pretty interesting to see the connection.
Have any of you ever noticed this in your life as well?

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