Friday, September 12, 2008

decisions decisions decisions

ive got some decision i have to make. im not a decisive person and i dont like to dissappoint people so that makes it more difficult.

Decision one. should i work with a camp that will pay me this summer, return to global where i will have to raise money, or return home for the summer to find a job that may or may not pay well. What does God want me to do? How can i tell if its me following God's will and not me focusing on the logical choice?

Decision two. Should i come home for winter break?

Decision three. Do i need a job because i think i do or am i not relying on God? Why has God not provided me with a job yet? how am i to be able to continue to go to school if i have no job and student loans do not pay for all of my schooling expenses?

my mind hurts and im slightly anxious.

Decision Four. How shall i decorate my room?

Decision Five. How do i become more social with out lacking in my studies? and how do i find the right friends, ones that will encourage and ones where we grow together in Christ?

im thinking that some of these are just questions more then they are decisions....
well i have class soon so i must go.


Pelt Family said...

To bad you don't have Annie there to "Counsel" you in her special way. (You know what I mean)

beckers said...

hahah good job!

The Clifton Family said...

Hey Becky! You talking about Graceville brings up a lot of memories, like the circle grill where I had fried pickles for the first time.

It was great to talk to you the other day. Sorry about the abrupt ending... Clint's phone died.

Send us your email!

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