Sunday, December 27, 2009

One Week Later

Its strange, in a way, to think back on this past semester and still be able to see and have confidence that the Lord was directing my steps towards Africa. Though at moments i feel as though I'm wrestling Satan on the thoughts invading, I have no doubt in my mind, that each step was taken prayerfully and that none were steps that i was not supposed to take. Tomorrow would be the day i would be leaving Africa to return from Cote d'Ivoire. Its been difficult at times to comprehend why i did not go, but i don't think it is something i will fully understand for awhile, and that's OK. that's what trust in the Lord means at times, trust even in uncertainty.
Since the beginning of this journey you have all been right there with me, not only praying for my part in the trip, but for the entire group and for the people of Cote d'Ivoire. Mr James and Mrs LaNelle, the Missionaries and leaders of the trip, were able to keep everyone updated through pictures and facebook status's thanks to the technology of their blackberry, this is the album on Facebook, i hope it lets you go to it. pictures say 1000 words right?!!
It was not me y'all were praying for, it was the people, the people in these photos. Your prayers were heard, your prayers are cherished and you can see it all in the eyes of the children and their families!

Now, as 2009 closes out, I am thankful for the Lord and for how He has been working in my life this entire year, Even in the last week :)

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