Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Close the Door.

ignore all of the post about the phone except the part of me needing your phone numbers, cause i still need those
With every day come a new challenge.
tonights/everyday-after-this-til-i-decide's challenge is trying to figure out God's will for my summer. up until today, it had been figured out. But i recieved a call tonight that makes things difficult.
I applied to 2 camps down here. One in Starke, FL named Camp Keystone. and one in Samson, AL named Camp Victory. Keystone was my first choice. i really wanted that job. Victory, though it was my second choice, i still love that place and have already worked there for two of their weekend retreats and as of the last retreat i worked for them, i was hired for the summer. My problem is that, my thinking, Keystone hadnt called me back, hadnt emailed me returned my emails or anything for a while at that point and so i figured that i hadnt got the job so i accepted Camp Victory's offer.
well, my world is shaken and i dont know what to do. Keystone called me tonight wanting to talk with me about my application. What do I do? What if they hire me? I dont know at this point.
Why can't doors remain closed if they are meant to be closed?

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