Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Its been a week since I sent out all my support letters for Africa and I was so encouraged to go to my mail box and see those envelopes in the lil box. my mailbox was stuffed!!!!

Ive decided to post a progress report of the support.
as of 11-3-09; $170 has been donated!

Plane ticket right now is at $2330 (cheapest i could find)
added to the trip expenses $500
Total needed $2830
Total Provided $170
Total still needed $2660

Thank you for sending your support if you have! its such a blessing! Please continue to pray!
We serve the God of miracles! Im excited to see how HE will provide!

love you all!


Amy Warr said...

getting those envelopes back in the mail is definitely made of awesome. praying for you!

beckers said...

thanks amy!

new layout