Monday, May 25, 2009

Highlights of the day!

There were highlights! they deserve their own post!
The guys are pretty nice.
After dinner, we had a Homemade Icecream social, and then we went out and took some canoes out on the lake. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE canoeing and have been wanting to do this for a while, as in this entire semester i have been wanting to get out on the water with a canoe or kyak. I was very excited! still am excited that i got to do it. we raced in the canoes a couple times and just floated in. then one of the guys spotted lightning, and see as we were in METAL boats in the Lake, we used our newly trained Lifeguard minds to determine that it would probably be best to get out of the water. interesting task all on its own cause it had rained so much the the dock was almost completely under water. thus making it really interesting to try to get out of the boat...!
Great times!

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