Saturday, September 25, 2010


I increased my jogging distance...or more so, the Lord gave me the ability to progress in my jogging endeavor. Instead of 1 mile, which i have successfully jogged twice, once this semester and once last semester, i was able to jog 1.7 miles. (and truth be told, i think i could have gone longer, but where i was in relation to where i wanted/needed to end at, well...that would not have been a timely endeavor so i decided to cut my losses and end the jog short. next time though :) It felt so good! i finally know how to breathe properly and i know how to stay at a pace, more importantly, i can now see the difference between my limit and my laziness!

Prayer Request:
Please pray with me that i would keep my priorities straight and that the Lord would create in me a studious, lover-of-learning mind set. I would also ask that i can remain focused and on task.

Life is crazy, but im loving what the Lord has been teaching me lately. He really challenged me a couple weeks ago. He showed me that i was not remaining focused on Him, and that in my heart, i was not complete in Him. WOW!!! talk about a smack in the face :) You see, i guess i had begun to believe that my life would be in limbo until "the man of my dreams" came into my life. The very thought that i have rejected verbally for so long was finding its way into my heart and mind and it was time to give it to the Lord. It was difficult to work through, but I truly believe that I am complete in Him. One thing to remember, this is a process. its not over, the world is full of lies, satan likes to throw them at us as we grow closer to the Lord in order to trip us up. It's the battle of mind. 2 Corinthians 10:5 is just the truth that we all need, it displays the action we need to take in order to cling to the truth of God.
"We DESTROY arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and TAKE EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE TO OBEY CHRIST."

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