Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why I NO LONGER participate in Yoga: more to follow

As I was reading through the past entries of my journals, and of this very blog from as much as a year ago, I came across something that I wish to clarify on and now state my stance as to why I NO LONGER participate in Yoga. There was a time, in this quest to become healthy and to honor God with my body, that I would do Yoga as a means to stretch, "refocus," "relax" and "breathe." I fooled myself, for a time, thinking that I could somehow be able to separate the roots of Yoga from the practice of Yoga. Please allow me the time briefly explain how separating Yoga from its Hindu roots is not possible.

I do wish to come back on here and really go in depth on the reasons that I have ceased to participate in "Yoga." Know that this is being written by one who has lived it, and quite frankly, knows that this may not be taken well by those who read. but for now, this must suffice in order to no longer allow time to retrain me from at least sharing with you the conclusion I have come to and what I believe the Lord has shown in His word.

The conclusion is this:
Yoga is rooted in Hinduistic beliefs. Each pose was created to be a form of worship to the gods of Hinduism. I am a Christian. I believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, I believe in the existence of ONE Triune God. Worship and honor and glory belongs to God alone. There is no way to separate the roots of Yoga from this animistic-polytheistic belief system, therefore to say that I am a Christian (believing there is only ONE God who deserves all glory, honor, praise and worship) and practice in anything that is rooted in worshiping and idolizing anything contrary to what Scripture says, I would be a liar and with my actions, I would be claiming my God to be a liar. God is NOT a liar.

"“Romans 12:1-2 says we are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God,” added Laurette. “Here they are doing something very similar with these postures to their 330 million gods, and it is scary. So we abstain from things offered to idols—Acts 15:29.”" (Bagby)

It is impossible to be a Christian and participate in Yoga without grieving the Spirit in the process. As part of the work Christ does in our life in revealing His truth to us by His grace is the transformation that takes place through the "renewing of our minds" (Romans 12:1-2). Don't be ignorant to the effect your actions have on how you display Christ. Learn from my mistakes, be informed- seek the Lord in prayer, read scripture, heed conviction and warnings, seek godly council, repent and do not be the cause of the Spirit's grief.

For more information, check out these articles:
"Should Christians Practice Yoga?" By Jeremy Butler
"Should Christians Do Yoga?" By Laura J. Bagby

I leave you with this quote to consider:
"The Only Thing Necessary For Evil to Triumph is for Good Men to do Nothing" -- Edmund Burke

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