Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Because the fact stands that I have greatly neglected this blog, I highly doubt anyone still reads what I have to say. I am ok with that. If, however, there are those who have been on the edge of their seat for months waiting for the next post then you may notice there is a change. I have changed the site title to "thirtyonewall" from its original "bigtoechic" title.
there are a few reasons and here they are:

  1. There is a level of maturity that seemed to me to be lacking in the previous title.

  2. "ThirtyOne" represents Proverbs 31, the example and image of what a Godly woman looks like, the kind of woman I seek to glean from and model my life after.

  3. "Wall" is a reference to the woman mentioned in Song of Soloman 8:8-9. The woman who is like a wall shall be fortified with a battlement of silver, referencing that she is not loose or vulnerable to manipulation (wolves in sheeps clothing) or danger because she is guarded and has set her boundries, holding firmly to them. yet another goal of mine, I pray the Lord would teach me, mold me, stretch me, grow me, and shape me more and more with each day to be the woman He has called me to be. That I may bring Him honor and glory and also that I may honor my future husband in all my days, even now.

These are the musings of a young woman learning more each day about Biblical Womanhood. I am unsure of what will continue to fill this blog, or how often I will post. I hope that, if there are readers, you would be able to learn from what I am learning and share on here your journey as well.

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