Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer is gone...

Back to school i go!
The summer was amazing! The Lord taught me a lot, stretched me a lot, and i know i keep saying this and not actually saying how what has gone on, but i will.
It seems as though the lesson that just sticks out so much is the realization of my inadequacy vs. Trusting Him in His sufficientcy. It just seems as though in everything i would do, say, or think, He would humble me. Having to fully rely on the Lord for EVERYTHING, like ive been able to, in the past, rely on him for material stuff like money or food, but that first week of camp, i just felt completely empty, spiritually and emotionally. i didnt know why the Lord would want to use me this summer, i did not really know why i was there.
Havingto rely on Him for absolutely everything, including for my brain to function and create thoughts and words that would make up the daily devotions at nights when i was just absolutely tired or annoyed...and also to comfort me when i was homesick, an emotion that i used to think i was immune too.
i mean, i may not be making much sense, but really, this summer God really brought me to realize how much i NEED to CONSTANTLY seek Him. to CONSTANTLY be sure that what i do, what i say, what i even Think, that everythink I do is in the direction of the Lord and not away from Him. He is in the small stuff as much as He is in the Big stuff and i will praise Him for that! I will praise Him that even when i am completely inadequate, drained, or whatever else, He is who i can look too. He is my strength, my refuge, my all!

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