Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday-Day One of Crazy Move-in Week

7:30, i wake up, go for a walk.
had a fun visit to Ms. Rosie and Dr. Richard...(hahah)
Got ready for the day and headed off to talk to financial aid and the business office.
found out exactly what i had expected would happen, i got a $500/semester scholarship and some student loans, they dont cover everything, but they cover enough, and i know that the Lord provides all i need and grants peace when i am unsure of what the outcome will be. which is why i know that i can trust him for providing for school. He has called me here and is proving faithful to keep me here. I truly am undeserving of such an awesome blessing.
I have enough for this semester! (Thank you Lord! YOU ROCK!!)

so after i went to the bank, i got back and basically from there on it was nuts. though their was time here and there to relax, it was almost at constant motion.
with moving new girls in and trying to situate and help out and do random stuff and try to finish straightening up my stuff and yeah, it was crazy. it was great! i kinda got a dose of what it is like to be an Resident Director. Makes me glad that im just the Resident Assistant, cause i would so not be ready right now to be RD.
Our Dorm Council this semester is awesome! i love each of them! this past week just really helped us bond alot and unite in thought for the direction in which to lead the dorm. Just in case you are wondering what Dorm Council is, it is the Dorm Leadership. we lead prayer groups and plan dorm events and a bunch of other randomness. its great! One really awesome thing we got to do was last week we prayer walked the hall and prayed for each individual person that is moving in. we didnt realize it or plan it at the time, but we ended up praying for 2 hours straight!
THIS semester is off to a GREAT start! Please continue to pray for us this week, as we only moved like 6 ppl in today, that leaves around 20-30 more in Napier, 6 in the POD, and 6 in the southwest appartments. (oh yeah, surprise!! we are no longer JUST Napier, we are Napier, the POD and the Southwest appartments; that means about 60-65 girls that my fearless leader Lo*Lauren* is in charge of and i get to help her with!) its awesome!

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