Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Move-In Day

wow it is 10:51pm.
this has been an insane day! good, but insane! it was the Main Movin day for all the new students. out of 54 girls in the two dorms we were helping, there are 34 new girls. Some had already come early and moved thier things in and were settled, still that was only 7-8 girls. SOO if you do the math, that meant that new students alone, we would move in somewhere around 26 new girls.
the day began with a nice wake up walk around the block with my RD Lo, haha i had blisters on my heals from a walk earlier this week and they were really painful so i decided to go barefoot the rest of the way, quickly reallized that the road was not smooth...but its ok.
when we got back to the dorm, we had just enough time to shower and get ready before the chaos would begin.
we had 2 girls move in around 8am. then from about 9:45-11:30 we had about 15 girls arrive. so imagine this, one hall, 15 girls, all thier stuff, all thier family; it was crazy. (Did i mention that my RD had to take a test during those 2 hours so i got a good dose of RDness in that 2 hours, which was awesome! If yall think about it, i dont know if it is truly 100% what has in mind, but i think it could be something in my future. To be the RD of a dorm. i dont know though, and its still too early maybe to think about it, i definitly dont want to approach them about it, i would like for them to approach me, just so that i know its not my will but God's will)
it calmed down some after that, we had a couple other girls come in after that, 2 in a different building, my old roomie was one of them. im quite excited about this semester, the girls all seem to be bonding well, and with the exception of a few minor bumps, i believe it was a rather smooth day. The Lord was awesome and held off the rain until all of the girls were moved in which is so awesome to, even in the small things, be able to see the hand of God in this.
on a slightly sad but still ok note, there was a FREE Steve Fee concert in Dothan tonight that some students were able to go to, I was kinda bummed to not get to go, but its totally kul. i got to bond with some newbies!

I love you all. you are awesome.

Prayer request: 34 new girls means 34 girls that are away from thier families perhaps for the first time ever. please pray for them as they adjust to college life. we have Orientation tomorrow(Thursday). its pretty awesome to be a part of all this from the other side of things this time around.
k im exhausted, gotta get up early. good night!

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