There are moments in my life where the Lord pops an idea, a connection or illustration involving the things around me to the thoughts in my head. He so graciously shows me beautiful connections, visuals involving His creation or the various things that I encounter in life and grants me deeper understanding of a life lesson through the illustration that He has played out before me. Many times, I am simply left in awe of the picture. tears or giggles result. Words can sometimes never seem to to truly express what it is that I have just been shown. But, there are times when it becomes more than a fleeting thought or hapless memory and He provides the words to lock in the beauty of how He is teaching me.
I then have 2 choices: I can keep these things to myself (call it selfish-hoarding His guidance for myself as it if were only ever meant for solely me; or call it humility-which is not truly humility because though it may mean I do not have confidence in my own writings, I still have not recognized that it was not of myself that I was even able to write them) OR I can share them with others, and pray that the Lord would use them as HE sees fit in His will to do (maybe to give comfort, to challenge others, to encourage others, or as an example of what NOT to DO/How NOT to be...)
So, upon approaching this crossroad, I have decided this: Any words that the Lord enables me to compile into some semblance of sense to relate what He is teaching and showing me through illustrations or in anyway that could connect or make sense to another individual and possibly aid in their better understanding of the Lord and how He moves in our lives, I will post.
(And that was a really LONG run-on English professor would be flabbergasted)
Here is Entry 1. It has no name as of yet, feel free to suggest one :)
Night sounds and this seemingly endless cloud.
Your thoughts are MUCH HIGHER THAN OURS, Lord.
and it seems as though i cannot even wrap my mind around.
these times, when the full strand of images and words and
pieces of the puzzle remain in a pile.
that has been dumped.
from a box.
which contains a picture that i just can.not.see.CLEARLY!
I search for the edges,
try to find the frame
BUT its like i have no aim.
The picture, in pieces before me is so unclear
that i can't even see.
who takes some color and spreads it out,
claiming to know exactly what HE wishes to convey.
BUT with my face nose-to-nose with the mix of
I just can't seem to see what the artist has seen.
and now this picture,
this image,
this vision,
it's in pieces before me.
Leaving me to wonder about what I cannot see.
(copyright: BC 2012)
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