Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spring 2009

Registered for my classes. only taking 5 classes instead of 6. 6 is just way too much! since some of my classes this spring are 2hour credits, it makes the number of hours im taking look like nothing (13hours) compared to the 18hours im taking currently. Oh well, i know ill have my hands full with these five.
2009-2010 Spring - All Divisions
EV 304 G
Evan Non-EV Grp
MW -1:30 PM - 2:20
HI 212 G
West Civ II
TR -11:30 - 12:50
LA 103 G
So Bapt Life/Wk
F -8:00 - 9:50 AM
PHI 101 G
Christ Wrldview
MWF -11:30 - 12:20
SP 201 G
Int Public Spk
TR -2:30 PM - 3:50
Im excited about my evangelism class, its on evangelizing catholics and is my first missions related course so its like a double whammy of awesome!
Christian Worldview kinda freaks me out, but thats just cause the professor is infamous for giving the hardest tests on campus. the material should be good. i have a feeling that its all stuff that Colby had taught us in youth group.
I have difficulty keeping things in my brain. so im gonna be praying that these things that i will be learning will stay in my brain for longer then the testing time as they are pretty important subjects in relation to life after college!
the other three will be interesting. Speech is self explanatory, it reminds me of when Keilan had to take speech online and so we all had to be his audience. Now that i think about it, i dont remember ever actually having to be in the audience... Anyways, it should be an interesting class.
Western Civ. is well, i dont know what to expect. and Southern Baptist Life and Work is notorious for being a boring class. an entire class on being a baptist. but its required and im sure ill learn something....

Im hoping this will help me breath in relation to life. I dont know if I will ever do 18 hours again, maybe when i dont have to work at Valley anymore...who knows, for now, ill just stick with this.

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