Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I just want to say:
if you think that you want to set a girl up with someone...
A. dont tell the girl about it, not cool. Its not the girls place to initiate things.
B. If you want to tell the guy, then fine, tell him whatever. but leave it there.
C. Realize that its like a pink elephant in the room when the two meet because they know whats going on, and that makes it MORE awkward, hence nothing progresses from it!
D. by now you know im speaking in the third person, so just an FYI, i dont have time for guys, and im not initiating anything ever, so the guy better be in for the chase of His life cause im not giving in so easy either. He'll just have to be patient and content to pursue for awhile. :)

Oh BCF. how extremely ridiculous it can be sometimes to be at the Bridal College of Florida.
(And FYI, there is no guy right now)

1 comment:

Amy Warr said...

that's awesome.
keep running, kid!

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