Thursday, March 5, 2009

my daydream, but its the night...

(disclaimer: i dont know what scripture could possibly back any of this up, it is just something that crossed my mind about ten minutes ago....and i wanted to recored the thought)
I just started to wonder when i would know all of God's plan for me and what i would be doing.
and well, i figured it out. It will be when i am in heaven with Him, and it wont be immediate, it will be slowly learned too as i sit beside Him in the most comfy seats ever with the biggest screen in the sky that plays back through my life, through everything ive done, thought, said, was done to me, and not just from my perspective but from all involved. and there wont be sorrow and their wont be shame, there will be awe at how He worked on my behalf in all the moments that i have neglected to have my focus on Him, in all the times when i have been stressed, sad, Joyful, at anytime of my life. It may take more then once to see it all, but i look forward to that day because if i can see Him working in my life now with only what my feeble Human eyes can see, then i can't at this moment comprehend what that time with my Savior will reveil.
Man that makes me excited!!!!

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