Its all the buzz for these college boys. they are forever debating about it. Ive seen some wearing shirts in reference to the elect, it said something like "im so glad God Chose me(in bold letters), so i wouldnt have to decide(in small letters, fine print)"
all you hear about is Tulips and craziness.
I personally am not sure about the calvinist or armenian stuff, BUT i do believe that God died for EVERYONE and worrying about figuring out who is God's "elect"(if there even is such a thing) is just wasting time in what is imporant, (Aka: the Great Commision, Telling EVERYONE about Christ).
BUT some one said something the other day that got me wondering about, well, alot...aka, what yall believe.
one thing that triggered my curiosity is that a friend of mine mentioned that the ESV bible is referred to as the Calvinist Bible. and that MacArthur and John Piper are both Calvinist.... Um, last time i checked, I love my ESV bible, and so do many of you, and John Piper is on my top list of most amazing speakers/authors he is for many of you, or at least was the last time i checked.... Have i been a Calvinist all along and didn't even know it?
so, Tulip or not?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
an update
I got the car back yesterday round like 2:30, they were rather quick bout it! it cost $200 but it is fixed and running well.
Im not longer going to Georgia for Spring Break. I am still going to the D-Now in St. Augustine but the trip to GA is not gonna work out now... oh well. Im just gonna chill around Graceville, maybe go to the beach and or read a book by the lake.
something kinda simple to maybe pray for. for some reason, i dont know what i did to it, but my right hand wrist has been bothering me alot. i dont know if i sleep on it weird, or if i have strained it doing something or not. I just know it hurts, and its annoying. its usually pretty good through out the day, but by the end of the day its painful so i have been wrapping it at night...wonder if i should just leave it wrapped constantly for a little bit....
I was thinking about Stafford and all the wonderful's that live there. I love reading your blogs and hearing of what is going on in your life. you will always have a special place in my heart!
Im not longer going to Georgia for Spring Break. I am still going to the D-Now in St. Augustine but the trip to GA is not gonna work out now... oh well. Im just gonna chill around Graceville, maybe go to the beach and or read a book by the lake.
something kinda simple to maybe pray for. for some reason, i dont know what i did to it, but my right hand wrist has been bothering me alot. i dont know if i sleep on it weird, or if i have strained it doing something or not. I just know it hurts, and its annoying. its usually pretty good through out the day, but by the end of the day its painful so i have been wrapping it at night...wonder if i should just leave it wrapped constantly for a little bit....
I was thinking about Stafford and all the wonderful's that live there. I love reading your blogs and hearing of what is going on in your life. you will always have a special place in my heart!
Monday, March 23, 2009
whats an alternator?
I had 4 paychecks that needed to be cashed, a friend who needed a ride to walmart, and some extra time on my hands so i headed to Chipley after my last class (10 am). life was good, i filled my tank and we headed back after our errands were finished. we were about a 1/4 mile from the "Entering Jackson County" sign when my radio shut off, followed by my gas gager(the digital one) my AC temp unit, and lastly my digital compass. In my mind, my thoughts began to go in "what do i do mode, whats the solution?". I decided to pull off the road, turn off my car, let it sit for a second and try to turn it back on. well i pulled off, turned the car off, waited, but when i tried to turn it back on it wouldn't turn on. it just made that annoyingly mocking click sound as if it was laughing at me. its an emotional week for me now plus the fact that i had just gotten out of math class and was already frustrated, so those both combined to make my knee-jerk reaction to put my head on my steering wheel, and try to gather my thoughts as i began to cry. my friend leah was with me and she was like "its ok, we will call someone to come help us, it will be fine." so being the amazing friend she is, she began to make the call to her boyfriend Matt to come get us.
well im crying right cause my car wont even turn on so i can put up my windows, so i didnt want to leave it cause its has important things in it. Then this truck driver who was hauling logs to Graceville stopped off to see if he could help. He took a look at it and diagnosed that it was the alternater, (this is where the title for this blog comes from cause i was out side the car gathering my sanity, when he was telling us it was the alternator we both looked at each other and were like "what the heck is an Alternator?") the nice man couldnt really help us but he offered us a ride or to stop at a mechanic to tell them we were out here. We thanked him and said we had someone on their way.
well Matt's car has issues too, and he couldnt get it to start. (I know, its all crazy) so we just laugh cause thats all we can do, i had been crying and praying and now i was realizing the hilarity of the situation so all i could do was laugh at that point. I then called a friend who has a truck and is pretty good with cars and stuff. He began to make his way to help us. After we secured out ride back to Graceville we began to throw all that was in my car into our bags (really wasnt much, just cd's and stuff that was in my junk box).
Next step, what do do with my car. i used good ole 411 to call for a mechanic in Graceville, found one that was (God is good) less then a MILE from where my car broke down! but i was kinda worried slightly and shaken still cause the mechanic said i would have to get towed to the shop. (back in va, this meant $90 bucks, i dont have $90 bucks but had to get the car there so he made the call for me.) Just after i got off the phone, it was crazy, i began to cry again, (i know, i need to toughin up) I was repeating over and over (in broken tearfilled english) "God will provide, God will proide, God will provide, Lord please provide!"
(second time im crying right, i had stopped for a while) another trucker stopped to help, well actually, it was the same guy from before, he had dropped off his load of loggs so i didnt recognize the Car. He was really nice, he had stopped and got the phone number for a mechanic (ended up being the same one i was working on getting my car to) and i was crying, and laughing, and it was a blessing. I thanked him and he was like "are yall spring breakers?" we told him no, and he was like, "well i see your from VA by your taggs so, just so you know, if you have to stay over night there is a motel right down the road from the mechanics." He said he was from PA, and when he had first moved down here he had taken him a while to get used to the kind hearted small town ppl and wanted to make sure i was ok. He was an angel, i just know it, God totally sent him.
Well, as he was pulling away, my friends Bryan(friend with the truck) and April (Bryans awesome GF) pulled up, and Bryan was like, "call the tow truck back and tell them to not worry bout getting you cause i can just pull you to the mechanic". (THANK YOU LORD!!! FREE TOWING!!!) so i called the mechanic and he called the tower and stopped him from getting me.
We pulled the car to the mechanic and Leah interpretted for me when i began to cry again (REALLY, REALLY i was crying AGAIN!! URG) and we got it all situated. and the part ordered. its about $138 or so. He said the car should be ready by now actually... so im going soon to pick it up.
it can always be found. My car shut down at a location that was easy to describe (right by a green highway-ish sign) At where it stopped there were beautiful wild flowers that brightened my mood. The day is gorgeous, apprently God wanted me to slow down and enjoy it for a minute. Where i had to stop was only a mile from the mechanic. My friend Leah was with me and God really used her to help me alot. Its not as bad as it could be and it was great timing. I can definitly see the Lord's hand working through it all (i feel like a duffus for crying so much, Hello self! God will take care of you!!!). I think i need to take a class on auto mechanics for dummies.
The Lord is good. Thank you Jehovah Jirah!
well im crying right cause my car wont even turn on so i can put up my windows, so i didnt want to leave it cause its has important things in it. Then this truck driver who was hauling logs to Graceville stopped off to see if he could help. He took a look at it and diagnosed that it was the alternater, (this is where the title for this blog comes from cause i was out side the car gathering my sanity, when he was telling us it was the alternator we both looked at each other and were like "what the heck is an Alternator?") the nice man couldnt really help us but he offered us a ride or to stop at a mechanic to tell them we were out here. We thanked him and said we had someone on their way.
well Matt's car has issues too, and he couldnt get it to start. (I know, its all crazy) so we just laugh cause thats all we can do, i had been crying and praying and now i was realizing the hilarity of the situation so all i could do was laugh at that point. I then called a friend who has a truck and is pretty good with cars and stuff. He began to make his way to help us. After we secured out ride back to Graceville we began to throw all that was in my car into our bags (really wasnt much, just cd's and stuff that was in my junk box).
Next step, what do do with my car. i used good ole 411 to call for a mechanic in Graceville, found one that was (God is good) less then a MILE from where my car broke down! but i was kinda worried slightly and shaken still cause the mechanic said i would have to get towed to the shop. (back in va, this meant $90 bucks, i dont have $90 bucks but had to get the car there so he made the call for me.) Just after i got off the phone, it was crazy, i began to cry again, (i know, i need to toughin up) I was repeating over and over (in broken tearfilled english) "God will provide, God will proide, God will provide, Lord please provide!"
(second time im crying right, i had stopped for a while) another trucker stopped to help, well actually, it was the same guy from before, he had dropped off his load of loggs so i didnt recognize the Car. He was really nice, he had stopped and got the phone number for a mechanic (ended up being the same one i was working on getting my car to) and i was crying, and laughing, and it was a blessing. I thanked him and he was like "are yall spring breakers?" we told him no, and he was like, "well i see your from VA by your taggs so, just so you know, if you have to stay over night there is a motel right down the road from the mechanics." He said he was from PA, and when he had first moved down here he had taken him a while to get used to the kind hearted small town ppl and wanted to make sure i was ok. He was an angel, i just know it, God totally sent him.
Well, as he was pulling away, my friends Bryan(friend with the truck) and April (Bryans awesome GF) pulled up, and Bryan was like, "call the tow truck back and tell them to not worry bout getting you cause i can just pull you to the mechanic". (THANK YOU LORD!!! FREE TOWING!!!) so i called the mechanic and he called the tower and stopped him from getting me.
We pulled the car to the mechanic and Leah interpretted for me when i began to cry again (REALLY, REALLY i was crying AGAIN!! URG) and we got it all situated. and the part ordered. its about $138 or so. He said the car should be ready by now actually... so im going soon to pick it up.
it can always be found. My car shut down at a location that was easy to describe (right by a green highway-ish sign) At where it stopped there were beautiful wild flowers that brightened my mood. The day is gorgeous, apprently God wanted me to slow down and enjoy it for a minute. Where i had to stop was only a mile from the mechanic. My friend Leah was with me and God really used her to help me alot. Its not as bad as it could be and it was great timing. I can definitly see the Lord's hand working through it all (i feel like a duffus for crying so much, Hello self! God will take care of you!!!). I think i need to take a class on auto mechanics for dummies.
The Lord is good. Thank you Jehovah Jirah!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tidbits of life
Have you ever had one of those flash back moments, a moment where one thing can send your mind back to a memory as if you had gone back in the past, the smells of where you were, whatever you saw, whatever you heard. everything is as if you were reliving it. I hope that those moments are joyous for you. that it is good memories that are coming to mind.
Yesterday, for me, i had a not so great moment. a moment where one thing said sent me back to the days that i normally try to forget.
but i will continue to focus and look forward. i will continue to repeat in my mind scripture, such as Psalm 62:5-7. and i will continue to focus on the one who is my ROCK and my Fortress where i will NOT be shaken.
Yesterday, for me, i had a not so great moment. a moment where one thing said sent me back to the days that i normally try to forget.
but i will continue to focus and look forward. i will continue to repeat in my mind scripture, such as Psalm 62:5-7. and i will continue to focus on the one who is my ROCK and my Fortress where i will NOT be shaken.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
-plans for spring break:
As of now, i will be doing a Dnow in St. Augustine at a friend's church the weekend beginning my spring break. then i am planning to go Chattsworth GA to help out at Global and clean the lodge and whatever else i can help do. These plans may change though (see about "the ticket debacle")
-my history paper of doom
Rough draft is done. took way longer then it should have! Professor has read over it and now i have to go to the writing lab to get some help on it. its due right before break.
-me and missions...?
Ive been praying about, for some time, adding a major or minor in missions. reason being, because Teachers are needed overseas. I know they are needed here too, any who, i am saying YES to whatever God has for me, wether it be that i am to teach in the US or somewhere else in the world. The decision is God's, im just awaiting the command.
-the mission conference(funny story for colby and annie)
Its mission week and our speaker has been a missionary since he was like 18(started with Journey men in Vietnam, during the war mind you, and he was a missionary in Brazil for 17 years, that where this story comes from) He was in UTTER culture SHOCK! (sound familiar Garman's?) and in the language school he was attending there he was placed in the lower bracket of the learning scale(in other words, he was struggling majorly with learning the language) and one day his wife sent him to the store for some milk, but when he got there he had forgotten the word for milk. after much frustration and slightly agitated with the fact that he was having so much trouble trying to get MILK! he finally gestured to the clerk as if he was milking a cow. and TUH-DA, the clerk understood and he got his milk.
-the ticket debacle
May dad called me today. I really dont like Cottondale Florida right now. That is beside the point. Remember that ticket i got the last 20minutes of my 20hour drive. Well i paid the ticket and assumed that it was all taken care of. Apperently though, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles did not aggree. the DMV found out about my ticket and sent me a letter to my house in Stafford saying that since i am not 20 yet and got a ticket i have to complete an 8hour driving course by June of this year. Not gonna lie, i cried. I called the DMV in Virginia to fully understand and see what could be worked out because im not going to be able to return to Virginia until December. They said i could apply for an extention. or if Florida offers an 8 hour driver improvement clinic then i can go to that. Florida only offers a 6 hour class, Virginia wont except that. (ill stay the extra two hours!!). so now im trying to figure out what to do. with this situation, i just dont like being reminded of my irresponsibility. its frustrating.
-weekend in samson al
There was a shooting in Samson last week. 11 people were killed and some were injured. I went with a group from BCF to help a church there pass out fliers and Prayer Walk the town making sure that those that needed someone to talk to would know where to go.
-training for disaster relief-ing
This weekend i am planning on going with a group from my school to take a Disaster Relief Training class. im excited and nervous....
My midterm today went well. i still have one more, its next thursday. tis fun!
Jason and Tracee, i came across a lil blurb in my math book the other day while i was doing my homework, it was a lovely surprise (James 1:2-3) thank you!
-plans for spring break:
As of now, i will be doing a Dnow in St. Augustine at a friend's church the weekend beginning my spring break. then i am planning to go Chattsworth GA to help out at Global and clean the lodge and whatever else i can help do. These plans may change though (see about "the ticket debacle")
-my history paper of doom
Rough draft is done. took way longer then it should have! Professor has read over it and now i have to go to the writing lab to get some help on it. its due right before break.
-me and missions...?
Ive been praying about, for some time, adding a major or minor in missions. reason being, because Teachers are needed overseas. I know they are needed here too, any who, i am saying YES to whatever God has for me, wether it be that i am to teach in the US or somewhere else in the world. The decision is God's, im just awaiting the command.
-the mission conference(funny story for colby and annie)
Its mission week and our speaker has been a missionary since he was like 18(started with Journey men in Vietnam, during the war mind you, and he was a missionary in Brazil for 17 years, that where this story comes from) He was in UTTER culture SHOCK! (sound familiar Garman's?) and in the language school he was attending there he was placed in the lower bracket of the learning scale(in other words, he was struggling majorly with learning the language) and one day his wife sent him to the store for some milk, but when he got there he had forgotten the word for milk. after much frustration and slightly agitated with the fact that he was having so much trouble trying to get MILK! he finally gestured to the clerk as if he was milking a cow. and TUH-DA, the clerk understood and he got his milk.
-the ticket debacle
May dad called me today. I really dont like Cottondale Florida right now. That is beside the point. Remember that ticket i got the last 20minutes of my 20hour drive. Well i paid the ticket and assumed that it was all taken care of. Apperently though, Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles did not aggree. the DMV found out about my ticket and sent me a letter to my house in Stafford saying that since i am not 20 yet and got a ticket i have to complete an 8hour driving course by June of this year. Not gonna lie, i cried. I called the DMV in Virginia to fully understand and see what could be worked out because im not going to be able to return to Virginia until December. They said i could apply for an extention. or if Florida offers an 8 hour driver improvement clinic then i can go to that. Florida only offers a 6 hour class, Virginia wont except that. (ill stay the extra two hours!!). so now im trying to figure out what to do. with this situation, i just dont like being reminded of my irresponsibility. its frustrating.
-weekend in samson al
There was a shooting in Samson last week. 11 people were killed and some were injured. I went with a group from BCF to help a church there pass out fliers and Prayer Walk the town making sure that those that needed someone to talk to would know where to go.
-training for disaster relief-ing
This weekend i am planning on going with a group from my school to take a Disaster Relief Training class. im excited and nervous....
My midterm today went well. i still have one more, its next thursday. tis fun!
Jason and Tracee, i came across a lil blurb in my math book the other day while i was doing my homework, it was a lovely surprise (James 1:2-3) thank you!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
breath in.... breath out
that is what my week has been like. i feel refreshed! i feel great! yes, there are a few things that are going on which you would think would have me freaking out, but hey God is SO much bigger then all that, that is what he has been teaching me, its what i will cling to when i dont know what to do.
I just took my second to last midterm online. it went well.
I have one more to take and that happens on tuesday.
Tomorrow, im supposed to meet up with Chad Hunt, many of you know him, he is my brother's best friend, and is really like a brother to me and happens to be in town. I really want to go see him, but i still dont know.
Today me and my friend Leah and my friend Elizabeth are starting a month with out sweets, fried food and soda. twill be fun!
This weekend, the girls and i are getting away from chaos and going to the beach. we are all at our breaking points and just need a refreshment. sunshine + crashing waves=refreshment.
I did something to my wrist....i dont know what. Oh well. It hurts, i have a ace bandage thing on it so hopefully it will heal.
I am so psyched! Tracee and Jason, you r amazing! I will definitly be enjoying the relaxing on the beach reading my new book and soaking in everything that God has to teach me through it!
Im still deciding if i am going to go to Georgia for spring break, or at least for how long i will be going...there are many aspects of it that i am second guessing my going there. I really want to be able to help them fix things up. but at the same time...well, lets just say, i have my reservations.
I helped at a weekend retreat at Camp Victory this past weekend, which FYI looks like i will be working in Samson Alabama this summer. Keystone has not called me. im taking that as a door closed that God didnt want opened type deal. but pray for me that i will be able to TRULY discern what Gods will is if they do call me.
I love where God has me in life. I love Graceville. I love what he is teaching me(maybe not so much while he is teaching, but i still love it in the end). But i must say that when i think of yall, i get happy/sad, happy cause i love you, sad cause im not there with you. God is helping through that, but know that as God brings you to my mind i am praying for you.
Updates on the lil buns' in the oven back at SBC and Pillar?!?!?
I just took my second to last midterm online. it went well.
I have one more to take and that happens on tuesday.
Tomorrow, im supposed to meet up with Chad Hunt, many of you know him, he is my brother's best friend, and is really like a brother to me and happens to be in town. I really want to go see him, but i still dont know.
Today me and my friend Leah and my friend Elizabeth are starting a month with out sweets, fried food and soda. twill be fun!
This weekend, the girls and i are getting away from chaos and going to the beach. we are all at our breaking points and just need a refreshment. sunshine + crashing waves=refreshment.
I did something to my wrist....i dont know what. Oh well. It hurts, i have a ace bandage thing on it so hopefully it will heal.
I am so psyched! Tracee and Jason, you r amazing! I will definitly be enjoying the relaxing on the beach reading my new book and soaking in everything that God has to teach me through it!
Im still deciding if i am going to go to Georgia for spring break, or at least for how long i will be going...there are many aspects of it that i am second guessing my going there. I really want to be able to help them fix things up. but at the same time...well, lets just say, i have my reservations.
I helped at a weekend retreat at Camp Victory this past weekend, which FYI looks like i will be working in Samson Alabama this summer. Keystone has not called me. im taking that as a door closed that God didnt want opened type deal. but pray for me that i will be able to TRULY discern what Gods will is if they do call me.
I love where God has me in life. I love Graceville. I love what he is teaching me(maybe not so much while he is teaching, but i still love it in the end). But i must say that when i think of yall, i get happy/sad, happy cause i love you, sad cause im not there with you. God is helping through that, but know that as God brings you to my mind i am praying for you.
Updates on the lil buns' in the oven back at SBC and Pillar?!?!?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
my daydream, but its the night...
(disclaimer: i dont know what scripture could possibly back any of this up, it is just something that crossed my mind about ten minutes ago....and i wanted to recored the thought)
I just started to wonder when i would know all of God's plan for me and what i would be doing.
and well, i figured it out. It will be when i am in heaven with Him, and it wont be immediate, it will be slowly learned too as i sit beside Him in the most comfy seats ever with the biggest screen in the sky that plays back through my life, through everything ive done, thought, said, was done to me, and not just from my perspective but from all involved. and there wont be sorrow and their wont be shame, there will be awe at how He worked on my behalf in all the moments that i have neglected to have my focus on Him, in all the times when i have been stressed, sad, Joyful, at anytime of my life. It may take more then once to see it all, but i look forward to that day because if i can see Him working in my life now with only what my feeble Human eyes can see, then i can't at this moment comprehend what that time with my Savior will reveil.
Man that makes me excited!!!!
I just started to wonder when i would know all of God's plan for me and what i would be doing.
and well, i figured it out. It will be when i am in heaven with Him, and it wont be immediate, it will be slowly learned too as i sit beside Him in the most comfy seats ever with the biggest screen in the sky that plays back through my life, through everything ive done, thought, said, was done to me, and not just from my perspective but from all involved. and there wont be sorrow and their wont be shame, there will be awe at how He worked on my behalf in all the moments that i have neglected to have my focus on Him, in all the times when i have been stressed, sad, Joyful, at anytime of my life. It may take more then once to see it all, but i look forward to that day because if i can see Him working in my life now with only what my feeble Human eyes can see, then i can't at this moment comprehend what that time with my Savior will reveil.
Man that makes me excited!!!!
This week in Three sentences
im stressed at this current moment. for many aspects of life. This is a "Jesus, Take the wheel" moment.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Me and time management are not friends at this current time, this will be quick. I just realized i have a rough draft due tomorrow morning at 11:30 and the Library closes at 6 for the ENTIRE NIGHT on wednesdays becasue of church. OH MY WORD!!! AHHHHH.
why oh why oh why did i procrastinate so with this paper....the internet will be my friend when i get off work...
why oh why oh why did i procrastinate so with this paper....the internet will be my friend when i get off work...
Has anyone ever used one of these things.
they are pretty awesome. Its a new form of evangelism that is this cube with pictures and it unfold in different ways to aid in sharing the gospel.
its pretty sweet. really good for evangelizing with Kids, some teenagers and those who are visual learners.
they are pretty awesome. Its a new form of evangelism that is this cube with pictures and it unfold in different ways to aid in sharing the gospel.
its pretty sweet. really good for evangelizing with Kids, some teenagers and those who are visual learners.
Monday, March 2, 2009
To be captivated, and captivating
this will be short about the book because ive only just begun to read it. Captivating is written by the same guy who wrote Wild at Heart.(John Eldridge) but this is obviously the woman perspective and is co-written by his wife Stasi.

it had been recomended to me by about 20 different people and i close friend here, knowing how ive been feeling lately was like "its time for you to read Captivating" so i finally picked it up.
within the first 10 pages of the book i was already sold. it was as if everything ive been feeling and thinking and unable to describe with words was finally explained.
im on page 42 now. and learning and soaking in everything about it. I wish it was my own copy because there is so much that i just want to highlight, underline, write notes in the margin. its ridculously just what the Doc ordered.

my weekend in tally
Global was doing a Momentum1 conference in Tallahassee this past weekend so i went on over to good ole Tallahassee.
I left right after work friday night. caught the last 30 minutes or so of friday night and then headed to my good friend Katie Elmore's to sleep. we ended up staying up for a bit longer then anticipated just chatting and catching up on each others lives. what can i say, im a female and females are relational people!
Saturday, Early rise, late to bed, work hard in the in between! that seems to be the pattern with global people. i woke up early and headed over to the conference. i felt out of place at times because for awhile there wasnt really anyplace i could jump in and help. or at least i couldnt see there was. then chickfila dropped off the food and i got to help but it all in bags... the conference was awesome. i cant describe how it was awesome it was just a time that was comprised of many little great moments that come together to complete the weekend amazingly. Seeing old friends, hearing the testimonies of the decisions the kids made, Roger and Bobby speaking, time with my global family, making new friends, trusting God as he was teaching me things, wonder times of singing praises to God.
i did get lost a few times in tally. which was fun. and the weekend concluded with me returning to Graceville exhausted but faced with 5 loads of laundry... so i camped out in the laundry room and read Captivating. a book by John and Staci Eldrige. SO AMAZING. there will be a post to come about that later.
I left right after work friday night. caught the last 30 minutes or so of friday night and then headed to my good friend Katie Elmore's to sleep. we ended up staying up for a bit longer then anticipated just chatting and catching up on each others lives. what can i say, im a female and females are relational people!
Saturday, Early rise, late to bed, work hard in the in between! that seems to be the pattern with global people. i woke up early and headed over to the conference. i felt out of place at times because for awhile there wasnt really anyplace i could jump in and help. or at least i couldnt see there was. then chickfila dropped off the food and i got to help but it all in bags... the conference was awesome. i cant describe how it was awesome it was just a time that was comprised of many little great moments that come together to complete the weekend amazingly. Seeing old friends, hearing the testimonies of the decisions the kids made, Roger and Bobby speaking, time with my global family, making new friends, trusting God as he was teaching me things, wonder times of singing praises to God.
i did get lost a few times in tally. which was fun. and the weekend concluded with me returning to Graceville exhausted but faced with 5 loads of laundry... so i camped out in the laundry room and read Captivating. a book by John and Staci Eldrige. SO AMAZING. there will be a post to come about that later.
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- Calvinism vs. Armenianism
- an update
- whats an alternator?
- Tidbits of life
- Updates:-plans for spring break: As of now, i will...
- breath in.... breath out
- my daydream, but its the night...
- This week in Three sentences
- Me and time management are not friends at this cur...
- EvangeCube
- To be captivated, and captivating
- my weekend in tally