Monday, February 2, 2009


This is an excerpt from a pamphlet on Child Evangelism by Grace Community Church.
"Setting a Consistent Example of Godliness
Evangelizing children consists not simply of
verbalizing the gospel with one’s mouth, but
also of exemplifying it in one’s life. As parents
explain the truths of God’s Word, children have
the unique opportunity to observe their lives up
close and to see whether they seriously believe
what they are teaching. When parents are
faithful not only to proclaim, but also to live out
the gospel, the impact is profound.
Because marriage is a picture of Christ’s relationship
with the church (Eph. 5:22–33), the
relationship between the parents as husband
and wife is particularly significant
. In fact, aside
from the parents’ fundamental commitment to
Christ, the single most important foundation for
successful parenting is a healthy, Christcentered
marriage. Setting a consistent example
of godliness is indispensable

I had to read the pamphlet for my Personal Evangelism class. Its a really interesting read and id be glad to send you the rest but this part stuck out to me the most.
I love my parents, and God has used them to teach me alot. sadly though, most of what i have learned of marriage from them is how NOT to do things. Im so glad that i read this today. i have always wanted to find a way to say thank you to all of the wonderful married couples at church who have really meant alot to me. You have been my spiritual parents wether you knew it or not. Your example has taught me so much of how a God-Centered relationship looks and i thank God for letting me share in your lives. For a REALLY REALLY long time, i never wanted to get married. never dreamed about the possibility, didnt want the hastle, didnt want to end up like my parents. But I believe that God placed each of you in my life to show me that marriage is not of the devil. that it can be a beautiful thing when Christ is at the center of it. There are so many to name, i would feel horrible to miss one.
But, Colby and Annie, if i havent said it to you already, know that im talking to you two in this, like majorly!
Jason and Tracee, um hello! you two are amazing and i love you! Thank you for being this Godly example in my life. There is way too much to be said to you in this short space. (ahh! tears, NOO!!)
Papa Marks and Mom! im pretty sure that i cant type anything to you right now cause im crying thinking of you (good tears) and how you have touched my life. Thanks for adopting me!
My amazing pillar spiritual parents, which yall are young, so i feel like your my brothers and sisters showing me this example. Clint and Jennifer, Jonathan and Jennifer (i alway chuckle to myself when i think of the two awesome Jennifers with the southern accents who live in NORTHERN VA and are best friends... God is fun!), theres too many to name! i love you all!
PBJ and Cindy, im scarred for life from ski retreat like three years ago PBJ, but i love you both, Im so glad God brought you to SBC!

That is my tribute to you, love you all. You have always believed in me. You have always showed me who Christ is in your life through the way you live and interact with your kids, your spouse, and everyone else. You have meant more to me then you will ever know. You are amazing and again, tears, cant handle it... good night.


Jonathan D. said...


We do believe in you. We believe that God is already using you in a mighty way. We are thankful that you have become a part of our lives.(But not nearly as thankful as our kids are. :))

We love you.

P.S. We are praying for your Bible study.

Annie B. said...

Love you, beck! That was a sweet post. I know that God is growing you so much and using you so much over there; it makes me so proud of you! we miss you, girl, and hope to keep up with you better.

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