The speaker in chapel today spoke on this scripture. Subject, our Credibility:
"But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified."
These were his four points
1. Personal Discipline- "the hardest person to lead is yourself"
2. Purposeful Subjection- "Control your mind, mouth, emotions and actions"
3. Platform Awareness- "Your life speaks on who you are away from others, on your true platform"
4. Perseptive Reality- "We cannot trust our flesh", "Be careful of your thoughts because they become your words, your words become your deeds, your deeds become your credibility"
from it all i have determined that lately my credibility is crap. hear me out. that point #2 is killer! Control your yourself! HA! it just reverts me back to #1 where i realize how true the statement "the hardest person to lead is yourself" is.
THINK ABOUT IT! you can sit their and be annoyed with others actions and words and you can try to change or correct them but when it comes to yourself you excuse yourself (kinda talking to my self here....alot)
Someone once told me that the qualities that annoy you most in others could possibly be qualities you possess that annoy you about yourself that are magnified.
lately i will fully admit, that my credibility, i feel, has been sent to crap. ive been short with people. Ive thought and said things negatively of others. i have not displayed the attitude i should. I have not displayed the character that i would like people to relate with me.
BASICALLY, i have been a Hypocrite.
I just said it. Im a hypocrite.
THAT IS NOT COOL! this situation must be fixed. oh but there is that #1 again. its hardest to disipline self. I am just me. i alone can do nothing. Im weak and need The Lord.
That is why i need you Lord, i need you to convict me. I need you to break me of who i am and have become. I need you to be at my center. and if you arent, I need to know what is in the way.
Lord, my love, my hope, my joy, my peace, my strength. its only found in you. I need you to be my all.
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