With clenched fists, we hold the broken shards of shattered clay. Shaking in each others faces, fury growing when all we see is each others disgrace. and clenching tighter with every emotion filled, narcissistic thought, the wounds go deeper and deeper. A pool of blood and clay pieces fills our even tighter grasp. Infection sets in. The adrenaline powered endurance is strengthened by our hurt and anger. Despite the immense pain throbbing in our hand, we refuse to let go, to loosen our grip and let the very thing infecting and hurting us drop to the floor. Healing can't come until we let go of what is causing the pain.
Shaking our heads at truth, we obstinately refuse to recognize we are just as broken as who we claim has harmed us or done us wrong. We have been and are the shards which grieve and pain the very one who created us, who sent His son, who died for our own broken mess. We are each broken clay needing to be molded by the eternal potter, creator.
When will we individually stop shaking our fists full of clay shards? When will we understand our own brokenness and be moved to compassion toward the other broken clays?
When will we cease clenching tighter, breaking and cutting more and more and instead let the pieces fall to the ground? Out of our hands and at the disposal of the potter, the one true God, to mold and reshape.
We are stubborn. "That broken clay doesn't deserve to be remolded, fixed, reshaped!" We shout this with anger and pain filled tears flowing from our eyes.
But it's this thinking that proves we believe we are somehow different from the other broken clay.
Let go, already! Let go! Stop being so narcissistic and realize the truth.
Recognize who you really are and how in need of Christ YOU are!
Let the healing begin!!!
And like peroxide on an open wound bubbles and removes the dirt and infection, so the Grace of Christ flows over all the deep heart and soul wounds, bubbling and removing all that was claiming our joy and claiming our peace. Joy and peace that come only from knowing Christ and this cross.
Clay Sister
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