Here marks 6 days before my last regular semester of BCF starts. I am sitting in my RD suite, typing away in the empty time pondering. Pondering? Can I really call it "pondering" if there is not a set subject on my mind?
I feel as though I have mentally been in a cloud since the completion of the Fall Semester and now a new semester begins.
My thoughts are as a knot. Tangled and taught, and I am unsure of where to begin in order to successfully untangle the bunch. God has been working, moving, visibly active in my life over this time. In my desire to not neglect full comprehension of the lessons to learn I believe I have managed to build the knot even more. Day to day, I am taught more, shown more, love more... and I've yet to unpack what has been displayed before me to this point. In fear of doing a disservice to these lessons so they were not in vain, I have done just that. It is time to unpack, unravel, and delve into it all!
For tomorrow I will complete the welcoming of new girls to Napier, nine in total for this semester. And the remainder of Napier will be here by Sunday. The semester will begin, more days will pass, more lessons will daily be added to the knot and the opportunities to use what the Lord has been showing and teaching me will pass.
I cannot let this pass.
I look forward to reminising on each way God's faithfullness, soveriegnty, grace, love, mercy, justice, etc. have been displayed.
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