Americanized Name: Ivory Coast
Location: West Africa
I first heard mention of the trip last May. SO, I began to pray about going. "Lord, if this is your will, pleace make it abundantly clear to me!" that was my prayer over the summer and up until September 22nd when He made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR. and keeps making it abundantly clear, that He is sending me to Cote d'Ivoire this December!!!
December 21st-31st I will be in Ivory Coast, West Africa giving Christmas gifts to orphans!! im so excited!
If you read the previous post called "12:30am" then you will know that there was a really big decision that i did not go into detail about, just sorta mentioned. well this is that decision.
It encompasses so many other decisions such as; how am I going to pay for next semester if i can't get a job over winter break? Can I handle being away from home for Christmas? It will take a miracle for this money to come together. Is this my will or God's will?
That night when the Lord brought clarity it was a beautiful thing! I know that God is the ultimate provider of everything! and He has shown me that it will be ok. that He has a plan, and im just kinda chillin here, watching the plan unfold. and its quite spectacular!
then the fun begins...
I called my parents and asked if they would be ok with me missing Christmas day. they were bummed but understood. and they felt much better about it when they found out that i am planing on being home the week before and the week after the trip. so im pretty stoked!
I feel so blessed for this opportunity and am praying with the faith and assurance that the Lord will show up and provide for every aspect of this trip!
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