once upon a time, i was leaving for Jacksonville for a week, and as i was minutes from getting in the car i realized that my debit card and liscense were no longer anywhere to be found. though inconveinenced,i did not fear that i would not find them.
However, when i returned to school, i searched all through my dorm, in my laundry, under my bed, in the trash, in my friends car, in other rooms, in everything. neither card nor liscense was found. i begin to fear that i would have to go through the hideous process of canceling the card and calling the dmv...not my favorite thing in the world to do(plus, my drivers liscense pic is pretty decent!)...i also had to call my dad and tell him of my perdicament...that was fun!
well, in an effort to straighten up my room and make it livable, i began to sort my laundry. as i pulled out my grey global hoodie, i felt something hard, plastic-ish, rectangular, and small.
i GASPED and said to my self "can it be?! Hath my long lost object come back to me!!!!!"
i pulled out the two cards and Jumped for joy! twas a fun moment! i did my victory dance and took off down the hall to share my joy with my friends!. once i had settled down i called my dad and let him know that all hope had not been lost!
the day ends with a joyous discovery!!! i shall sleep better tonight!
the end
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