ive begun to get aquainted with the gym. its really awesome. i go on the eliptical for 25 minutes, maybe breaking that up some and doing weights between. they have this crunch machine and its intense. effects after the eliptical, their arent many until the next day. it made my tush hurt. anywho i love it. and with either a podcast or some pumpin music in the ipod i just have some fun, but im bad at ballance so if i start dancing to the music while im running or whatever you call it on it and im not holding on to the bar things then i almost fall....but it rocks. the one i use though looks a smidge different then this one.
just from the summer and stuff, i really see a difference in the way my tshirts fit, their not as tight as they were which is a plus in my book. oh to have to by smaller clothes soon would be so exciting!
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