Saturday, May 3, 2008

today is may 3rd, and in an hour that will change.

15 DAYS!!!!

ok, now that that was the updated countdown, i dont have much time tonight to write cause im tired, but really am looking at how the next two weeks of my life are panning out thus far in my mind and tonight, for some reason, i just got a sense of overwelming craze. if that makes any sense.

in the next two weeks, i have to figure out how to pay for school, and i also have to pack up my life, one third for global, two thirds for college.
to attain those goals i have to go through some boxes, i have to do around 6 or so loads of laundry, (i kinda thin out my laundry or hide it in corners in my room casue i never have time to do it...) which include the need to wash all my sheets and blanket and pillow cases. i have to pack for global completely, and then set those two bags aside so i can box up the rest of my life for my parents to ship down to my school over the summer. thursdays are all i have to do this. and i only have two of them left. im feeling a bit uncertain...

so time i have to do all this might seem like two days but in reality, its only 4 days. (2 thursdays and that saturday and sunday before i leave.)

weird thing is that even with that all in my head, somehow, my excitement for the summer and for starting this next chapter in my life, it out ways and beats out everything else! some how im still on cloud nine! only Jesus! HE IS AMAZING!!!!!!

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