We got the latest news on our fundraising today.
We arent there yet but the funds left to raise for each of us is: Michele= $50; Becky= $1400
I would be lying if i said i wasnt scared, or at least i was when i first heard that figure of $1400, but we have a month, and alot can happen in that amout of time, and I know the Lord will provide! I mean, look how much he has provided already for us, Michele=$2,700; Becky=$1,045!
We have two fundraisers that are planned will hopefully go well. Here is the information on them.
T-shirts: they will be sold for $15 and will be available on Sunday March 9th.
Open House:
When: March 15th @ Becky's house, 22th, and 29th(the 22nd & 29th will depend on how the first one goes).
From 9am-12pm
Info on it: My wonderful and creative mother, Mary Castle, will have her crafts there to sell and, the profit from them will go to the summer. She has beautiful jewelry, warm scarfs, blankets, pot holders and many other items. We will also be selling baked goods.
Please keep us and the summer in your prayers! And PLEASE buy a T-shirt, ill post a pic of the design, it was designed by Kristen Marks and is AMAZING!!!!
ok scratch that, i dont know how to post a pic....but trust me! its amazingly AWESOME!!!
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